Senior Pastors’ Blog
Senior Pastors' Blog Posts

An Advantaged Church – Part 3 of “The 3 Attributes Of A Pre-Revival Environment”
Exciting news! We just wrapped our final team talk for Q1 2023 “An Advantaged Church – The 3 Attributes Of A Pre-Revival Environment – Part 3” and it’s all about how churches can position themselves to carry the inevitability of a coming season of revival. The video talks about how

The Beyond Church 2023 ALL HEART Vision Statement
Throughout 2022 Beyond Church, with our vision theme ‘BELIEVE’ sought to help a weary community believe that God is still good and his plans for us are good and eternal. We leaned in to belief in the power of prayer and that miracles still happen today. In a still unstable environment,

Romance vs Reality
Rachel and I are just about to embark upon a renovation. We are excited about the prospect of a new kitchen, with a working dishwasher, and enough oven space for a family of six plus guests. A kitchen bench that will accommodate six plates with room for more. We love hosting

Above & Beyond in 2022
After two of the most challenging years that many of us have faced, it is with heartfelt thanks that I come to our wider church community today. I am so thankful for the many people who chose to stay deeply connected to our community through online services, zoom life groups, intermittent

International Women’s Day 2022
I love seeing International Women’s Day as an opportunity to reflect on the past and where we’ve come from, while also looking ahead to what we can still do to make sure women and men have equal opportunity to bring their unique contribution to the world, without privilege or persecution. I